What is IRLP?
IRLP is an acronym for the Internet Radio Linking Project, the brainchild of Dave Cameron VE7LTD of Vancouver BC. IRLP is a state-of-the-art technology concept that links VHF/UHF-FM radio equipment together via the Internet (widely known as VoIP - Voice over IP), similar to how and why some large repeater systems are able to cover such a wide area. Without getting into detail, IRLP basically allows you to have a conversation with another ham or hams around the world by either connecting a local IRLP-equipped repeater or simplex base station to a remote repeater or simplex base station at a different location (known as a node), or by answering an incoming call initiated by a ham from a remote node. Here's an
IRLP block diagram:

Before using ANY IRLP or EchoLink node
Please be aware of the guidelines specific to each node prior to use. Reading and following the node guidelines is a manditory requirement and is expected to be followed every time you use IRLP or EchoLink.
Guidelines common to all IRLP nodes, including reflector use, proper protocol, error messages, do’s and dont’s, and other tips are located at the official IRLP website:
http://www.irlp.net - click on ‘IRLP guidelines’
See the EchoLink website regarding EchoLink procedures, use, etc. at
Clallam County
IRLP and Echolink
More Information
Please read
the Operation information and basic operating instructions for
Striped Peak Echolink and IRLP.
Also review AA0RD's
presentation from November 2020 ARES meeting,
Echolink and IRLP.
For more information about IRLP - Contact Bob by email at k6mby@olypen.com
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